On Sunday the 27th May, the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) launched their season of ‘attack’ on the noxious weed Wheel Cactus. President Lee Mead gave a brief overview of some the group’s activities during the past year, and thanked all the volunteers and property owners who are participating in Wheel Cactus control. Parks Victoria’s Regional Manager Noel Muller expressed his appreciation of the great achievements gained in partnership with TCCG in controlling Wheel Cactus infestations in our local Maldon Historic Reserve.
Guest Maree Edwards, MP for Bendigo West, expressed enormous gratitude to all the volunteers who are so committed to, and passionate about, controlling Wheel Cactus, and the amazing amount of work the group has contributed over the past years.
Before officially opening the Community Field Day season, our new Tarrangower Ward Councillor Stephen Gardner, congratulated the TCCG on their successes from a personal perspective, explaining that he is also a property owner who has been assisted by TCCG to manage this weed on his own land. The warriors then enjoyed some ‘cactus killing’ and a very delicious BBQ lunch.”