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Tarrangower Cactus Control Group honours Ian Grenda with the First Life Membership

By May 31, 2023Latest News

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) along with many volunteer Cactus Warriors gathered in the warm ambiance of the Baringhup Supper Room last weekend to pay tribute to a remarkable individual who has dedicated over two decades to eradicating the invasive Wheel Cactus from the region. Ian Grenda, a true champion in the fight against this insidious plant species, was honoured with the first-ever Life Membership bestowed by the TCCG.
The Baringhup Supper Room was the venue for the group’s inaugural meeting, so it was only fitting that they returned to this location to celebrate Ian’s exceptional achievements, including 10 years as President. The room included a display of photos showcasing the work undertaken throughout the more than 20 years, that Ian has tirelessly worked to combat the spread of Wheel Cactus, and its threat to the local ecosystem and agricultural lands.
During the event, current President, Lee Mead, presented a slide show highlighting Ian’s invaluable contributions to the group’s mission. Maree Edwards, MP, and Noel Muller representing Parks Victoria also took the opportunity to acknowledge Ian’s commitment to his community. Beyond his tireless efforts in eradicating Wheel Cactus, Ian has played a crucial role in assisting and educating landowners on dealing with infestations of Wheel Cactus. His extensive knowledge and experience have been instrumental in guiding others through the process of eliminating this invasive plant.
Furthermore, Ian has been instrumental in organising field days, which provide practical training and information on Wheel Cactus control methods and forging the partnership with Parks Victoria. He has hosted University students who have visited the area and joined the fight. The group expressed gratitude for his efforts in securing essential resources such as injection kits, glyphosate, a trailer, BBQ equipment, chairs, and gazebos, which have greatly facilitated their work.
Ian Grenda’s passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the eradication of Wheel Cactus have left an indelible mark on the Tarrangower community. Through his efforts, he has helped to preserve the delicate balance of the local ecosystem and inspired others to join the fight against invasive species. The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group extends its sincerest congratulations to Ian Grenda for his well-deserved Life Membership and wish him well as he retires from this volunteer role.
TCCG remains available to assist landowners deal with Wheel Cactus on their property. Contact can be made via the group’s website