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Cactus Therapy is Highly Recommended

By August 21, 2020February 28th, 2021Volunteers

Cactus Therapy offers great fulfillment

Expert researchers have documented that spending time in natural surroundings is fundamental to the well-being of the human species. We ‘Cactus Warriors’ can substantiate this, and confirm that wandering around in our stunning, local landscapes, attacking all the Wheel Cactus plants we find along the way, is indeed extremely ‘therapeutic’!

Anyone interested in trying some ‘cactus therapy’ combined with ‘iso-exercise’ is welcome to borrow equipment from us (Tarrangower Cactus Control Group). We have lots of hoes and buckets and injectors with herbicide, and can arrange contact-free delivery. Just contact us by email at or text 0417 038 928 if interested.

If you already have injector guns that are clogged up and no longer working, please return them to us for repair; we’re happy to swap them for a working model. Our ‘injector fairy Jan’ is still at work; physically isolated from all other fairies of course!

We’re still hoping to be able to hold a couple of community field days before the end of the year. If anyone is interested to join us and experience the fulfillment of ‘cactus therapy’, please subscribe to this website to receive current updates.