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‘Keep a Bucket in the Boot’

By October 17, 2014June 22nd, 2018Control

It seems like every time we take the dog for a walk these days beyond the fringe of Maldon township, we find at least one small wheel cactus plant. So we’ve put a plastic bucket, an old garden glove (who’s lost its partner), and a small spade into the boot of our car, and we can now uproot any small wheel cactus plants we find on our walks. Now that we’ve got the tools to deal with the prickly pests, it’s also very easy to stop the car and dig up any we see while driving around the district.

‘Keep a bucket in the boot’ is the most recent appeal from Tarrangower Cactus Control Group. It’s very easy to dig up and dispose of small wheel cactus plants, just empty your bucket into your domestic bin and they’ll be buried with the rubbish. Eliminating all the small, isolated wheel cactus plants before they mature and bear fruit is a very effective action in the fight to prevent these noxious weeds from spreading further and infesting more of our local environment.

Tarrangower Cactus Control Group is here to help you destroy your wheel cactus. We can show you how to most effectively kill the plants on your land, and have equipment you can borrow. We particularly welcome new property owners, so come along to our next Wheel Cactus Field Day on Sunday 26th October. This month we’ll be on a property in Old Tarrangower School Road, off Watersons Road, which will be well signposted from Bridgewater Road. The morning’s activities begin at 10:30 am and end at 12:30 pm with an enjoyable BBQ and friendly chat. If you have any queries please contact Ian on 0412 015 807.


Delighted warrior digging up small wheel cactus plants.