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Killing Wheel Cactus can now fulfil your Mutual Obligation

By April 9, 2014June 22nd, 2018Archives

Wheel Cactus killing season has begun and the army of Wheel Cactus Warriors is on the war path again. These volunteers, landowners and Parks Victoria have all helped to remove many large infestations of wheel cactus plants over the past few years. This is the first step towards breaking the cycle and spread of Wheel Cactus but the battle continues.

Apart from attending our monthly field days, many of our volunteers that are not in full-time employment also carry out additional killing of wheel cactus during the week. The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group Inc. has recently registered with Centrelink so we can now officially document and report the hours donated by volunteers wishing to spend more time helping us to eradicate wheel cactus. If you’re interested in helping to battle this weed on weekdays and registering these volunteer hours with Centrelink, please contact Ian on 0412 015 807.

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group and Parks Victoria invite all interested folk, especially new volunteers, to join us at our first Community Field Day for this year on Sunday 27th April. We’re excited to announce that this year’s season will be launched by our special guest Lisa Chesters, our Federal MP for Bendigo. Further details will be published closer to the date.
