This excellent example of before- and after-injection treatment of a Wheel Cactus infestation was at a property in Waterson’s Road. (Photos courtesy of D. Gibson)
It may seem difficult to believe sometimes, but the Wheel Cactus invasion can be defeated. This is thanks to many volunteers and landowners, contractors and work crews, all helping to destroy this noxious weed. Many of our local roadsides, historic parks and properties are currently free of Wheel Cactus and are looking fabulous.
The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group has won two awards in the past 12 months; the Parks Victoria Kookaburra Award – Conserving Special Places, and the Victorian Landcare Community Group Award, rewarding us all for our hard work and wonderful results.
So instead of our usual monthly field day, we’re holding an end of year celebration to thank all our volunteers and to celebrate our achievements! We invite all ‘cactus warriors’ to join us at 11:30 am on Sunday 26th November to hear a special guest speaker, Max Schlachter, who will present the results of our recently completed project ‘Mapping Wheel Cactus in Victoria’. This will be followed by a delicious lunch to celebrate our awards. No RSVP is required.
Please join us in the Band Room, Maldon Community Centre, Francis St. Maldon. We’ll have a very quick AGM at 11 am, before the presentation, which everyone is also welcome to attend.