Cactus warriors all ready for action in 2019
Last Sunday, many ‘old faithful’s and several new ‘cactus warriors’ joined Tarrangower Councillor Stephen Gardner to launch the 2019 season of the ‘War on Wheel Cactus’. Before officially opening the season, Stephen congratulated the Tarrangower Cactus Control Group (TCCG) on their successes from a personal perspective, because he is also a property owner who has been assisted by TCCG to manage this weed on his own land.
Parks Victoria Regional Manager, Noel Muller, thanked all the volunteers and expressed his appreciation of the great achievements gained in partnership with TCCG since 2005, in controlling Wheel Cactus infestations in our local Maldon Historic Reserve.
With the ongoing support provided by the Mt. Alexander Shire Council, Parks Victoria and the local community, 2019 is shaping up to be another highly successful season. Lee Mead, President of the TCCG, described how exciting the year ahead will be with the focus to establish the help of Cochineal, a new biocontrol tool, into the local management of wheel cactus.
Everyone then enjoyed a very productive and enjoyable morning of cactus killing and a very delicious lunch. TCCG will hold a community field day on the last Sunday of each month until October and welcomes anyone interested in helping control the invasion of Wheel Cactus.