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Season Launch and Injector Recall

By April 22, 2017June 22nd, 2018Equipment, Season Launch

Cactus Warrior Ian demonstrates how to inject Wheel Cactus plants

The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group continues to ‘wage war on Wheel Cactus’. We’re very pleased that Darren Fuzzard, Mt. Alexander Shire’s new CEO, will be cutting the ribbon for the launch of our 2017 season of Community Field Days, on Sunday 30th April at 10:30am.

Thanks to our sponsors and supporters, including the Mount Alexander Shire Council, North Central Catchment Management Authority and Parks Victoria, we hold these field days on the last Sunday of every month from April to October.

The grants from these sponsors also provide funds to buy injecting equipment to loan out to landowners. However, we fear that there are lots of injecting kits out there that have eventually clogged up and now sitting idle in sheds. We know how fiddly this equipment is to clean, and our volunteers are more than happy to do the hard work. So, we’re requesting that anyone with a non-functioning injection kit please bring it back to us and we’ll swap it for a working model.

Come and join us for a morning in the fresh air and learn how best to destroy Wheel Cactus. The location this month is in Watersons Rd., a few kms north of Maldon, just after the turn off to Treloars Rd. To get there, follow Bridgewater Road out of Maldon and turn left at Watersons Road; the route will be well signposted. The morning’s activities begin at 10:30am and end with a delicious BBQ lunch and friendly chat. If you have any queries please contact us via our website at