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Wheel Cactus Field Days Still Postponed

By July 18, 2020July 23rd, 2021Field Days, Latest News

Tarrangower Cactus Control Group committee has, regrettably, decided the Covid-19 conditions and restrictions are still too risky to hold regular community field days, but are hoping to be able to hold a couple of field days before the end of the year. If anyone is interested to join us, please subscribe here on our website to receive current updates.

Many of our dedicated ‘Cactus Warriors’ have become ‘Lone Warriors’ during the pandemic. They’re still out there helping to control our local infestations, walking through local bush reserves, along the quiet back roads, helping on neighbour’s properties, with hoe or injector at hand. Anyone needing replacement or new equipment (digging hoe, buckets or injecting kit) please contact us by email at

Wheel Cactus plants can still be disposed of FREE at the Maldon Transfer Station thanks to renewed funding for 2020-21 from Mt. Alexander Shire Council. This is a great incentive to dig up Wheel Cactus plants while they’re small and before they’ve started producing fruit and seeds.