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Wheel Cactus Growing Along Roadsides

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Whilst we had plenty of rain a few months ago, with grass now dying off, lots of new, little Wheel Cactus plants are becoming more obvious. Quite a few people have noticed these new infestations, particularly along Maldon-Baringhup Rd, and asked us who is going to treat the Wheel Cactus…
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2023 AGM & Lunch & Guest Speaker

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All Cactus Warrior volunteers and community members are cordially invited to our 2023 end-of-year celebration on Sunday 26th November, in the small hall at the Maldon Community Centre. We'll begin at 11:30am with a very quick AGM (no need to fear - positions are already filled) followed by a guest…
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Next Working Bee Sunday 24th September

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Come join the Cactus Warriors at a community working bee to help some new landowners begin to eradicate their newly acquired wheel cactus infestation. Work begins at 10:30 am and lunch will be provided by the very grateful new landowners. See here for a map to the location on Baringhup…
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Monash Uni Students Enjoy Killing Cactus

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A large group of university students from the Monash Biological Society came up to Maldon recently for their annual "cactus camp". We hosted a field day for them in partnership with Parks Victoria, and killed some more wheel cactus in the Maldon Historic Reserve. The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience…
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Map for Field Day Sunday 25th June

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Monash Uni students help control Wheel Cactus The annual field trip for the Monash University Biological Society is happening next weekend. These enthusiastic uni students visit us to help control Wheel Cactus and to learn about environmental weeds and landscape-scale weed infestations. This year we're partnering with Parks Victoria to…
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Wheel Cactus Hinders Fire Fighting

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Fire fighting hindered by Wheel Cactus infestation Many of us are familiar with the destructive environmental impact of wheel cactus in our area. Some have volunteered for years in controlling this weed and take responsibility on their own and other properties, however, there are still properties in our area with…
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AGM and End-of-Year Celebration 2022

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Warriors after our delicious lunch (plus Jeanine) Sincere thank you to all Cactus Warriors who joined us at Cairn Curran Reservoir for our AGM and delicious lunch. The elected committee for 2023 is - President: Lee Mead, Secretary: Bill Barnes, Treasurer: Tony Kane, Ordinary Members: Jill Bathgate, Noel Muller, Neils…
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Thank you celebration for Cactus Warriors

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Most of our local properties, roadsides and Maldon Historic Reserve are now free of large Wheel Cactus infestations. This is thanks to many volunteers, landowners and contractors who have all been helping to destroy this noxious weed. Again, this year the Cactus Warriors have achieved a great deal, assisting and…
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Final Field Day for 2022

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Cactus Therapy leads to happiness. The final community field day for the Cactus Warriors in 2022 will be held on Sunday 23rd October, instead of on the usual last Sunday of the month (due to the Melbourne Cup long weekend and the Maldon Folk Festival). We'll start at 10:30am and…
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Next Community Field Day on 23rd October

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Cactus Warrior Volunteers at work Our next field day will not be held on the usual last Sunday of the month because the last weekend in October is Melbourne Cup long weekend and the Maldon Folk Festival. So we're holding the field day on Sunday 23rd October, starting at 10:30am,…
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