The very cute, but critically endangered, Plains-Wanderer.
The Cactus Warriors have, yet again, had a very rewarding year, destroying many thousands of Wheel Cactus plants in our local environment and increasing awareness about this noxious weed in our community. The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group would like to thank the many landowners and volunteers for their dedicated work and wonderful results.
We’re holding an end of year celebration to reward our ‘warriors’, including an exciting presentation and free lunch. Our guest speaker, committee member Bec James, is a Natural Environment Program Officer with the Department Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and Secretary of the Victorian Weed Society. And for something completely different, she’s going to tell us about the project she’s currently working on to help save the critically endangered Plains-Wanderer bird in Northern Victoria.
We invite all past, present and future ‘cactus warriors’ to join us at 11:30 am on Sunday 24th November to hear our special guest speaker, followed by a delicious lunch. No RSVP is required. Please join us in the Band Room, Maldon Community Centre, Francis St. Maldon. We’ll have a very quick AGM at 11 am, before the presentation, which everyone is also welcome to attend.